Fringeprov - Bryan Colley

Reviewed By Luke Dodge

"Fringeprov," directed and hosted by Bryan Colley, is a delightful and inventive improv comedy show. Two teams of improvisers compete to recreate other Fringe performances based solely on show descriptions, with audience members who have seen the shows awarding points. This unique concept is captivating and offers endless hilarity.

Instant pandemonium erupts as the teams begin, expertly handling potential derailments and showcasing their skill in managing unpredictability. The sheer absurdity of what the actors come up with is magical, especially for those who have seen the original Fringe shows. The improvisers often come surprisingly close to the actual performances, and in some cases, their renditions are even more entertaining. The competitive aspect adds an exciting dynamic, yet all the improvisers support each other, creating a collaborative and uplifting atmosphere.

However, the host's low energy slightly hampers the show. A more dynamic delivery could better nurture audience energy, which is crucial for improv. Clearer explanations of the rules would also enhance the show, but as the host points out (and this reviewer agrees) the points don’t matter much. Despite this, the actors’ enthusiasm and talent shine through, making the experience thoroughly enjoyable.

Overall, "Fringeprov" is a must-see at the KC Fringe Festival. With some minor improvements, it has the potential to become a standout star. The show is a testament to the creativity and quick thinking of its performers, leaving audiences laughing and wanting more.

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