Music Reviews
Been Broken is a man and a guitar …and a slightly recalcitrant amp. The amp acts up just as the performance begins and Been Broken takes the opportunity to start with a joke: “Hi, I’m Been Broken and…I need to fix something,”... Been Broken’s music combines the bluesy, poetic melancholy of [read more]
16-year old singer-songwriter, Jelly Rose delivers over an hour of inspirational numbers at the Musical Theatre Heritage stage. Her show went longer than the usual Fringe fare, but as this was the last performance of the evening it did not disturb the audience unduly. Unfortunately, the acoustics in the room meant the show was rather loud and distorted, a fact not helped by the incessant use of reverb.[read more]
In 1902, in Pittsburg, Texas, an inventor and clergyman by the name of Burrell Cannon built the Ezekiel Airship, an attempt to create the first powered, controlled flying machine via use of biblical principles. Working with a small group of inventors and a dedicated staff at the local foundry, Cannon created his work based on the words of Ezekiel 1:16: "The appearance of the wheels and their work was like unto the color of beryl; [read more]
Words + Music is the result of a rather fascinating collaboration between the Coterie Theatre's Young Playwright's Roundtable, the UMKC Composition Department, and the Lyric Opera. What happens is that short, original pieces by the young writers are set to music and then performed using local talent. The result is a not necessarily polished, but nevertheless enjoyable and an interesting glimpse into the creativity going on in our city every day.[read more]