Please answer this questionnaire to help us anticipate what needs the virtual festival should require. Please respond by 11:59pm, June 1, 2022.
1. Artists will be responsible for filming any content. Pre-recorded performances are also allowed. Fringe will be able to provide artists with names of videographers. It will be up to the artist and videographer to negotiate fees and other details. Fringe cannot be involved and cannot provide assistance, financial or otherwise, beyond putting artists in contact with videographers.
2. Artists will be responsible for securing the film locations. Fringe will not be able to provide access to venues or other locations. Upon request, Fringe may be able to provide contacts for venues that might be available for rent. Fringe cannot be involved and cannot provide assistance, financial or otherwise, beyond putting artists in contact with venues.
3. In reference to show length, we have more flexibility with the Virtual Festival compared to our typical live festivals. For each production in the virtual festival, the length of digital content should be a minimum of 20 minutes.
4. During any filming, artists will be expected to follow all local, state, and CDC guidelines.
5. KC Fringe reserves the right to make determinations on the technical quality of the films submitted. As always, KC Fringe will not make judgements on the style, content, or merit of individual productions. However, in order to ensure a more cohesive virtual festival, we may require a basic standard of video and audio quality.
6. There will be a deadline of July 1st, 2022 to submit pre-recorded content for the virtual platform, unless you are planning to submit a recording of the live show you are performing in the Fringe, in which case the deadline will be August 1, 2022.
7. There is a $50 application fee for Virtual Fringe. This fee does not apply to artists participating in the 2022 Festival as a performing artist, visual artist, or film.