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** Sound Mandala has a showing all times other shows are taking place. Don't forget to add them to your schedule!
July 19, 2024
Time | Show Title | Venue |
6:00 PM | A One Woman Titanic Parody in 59 Minutes or Less | The Bird Comedy Theater |
6:00 PM | A History Tour Hijacked | The Black Box |
6:00 PM | Dream State | City Stage |
6:00 PM | The Stories We Tell | Center For Spiritual Living |
6:00 PM | The Wonder Drug | Independence Blvd CC |
6:00 PM | The Genuine Woman | Oasis |
6:00 PM | Breakneck Twelfth Night | Whim Space |
7:30 PM | The Adventures of Radioactivity Man & One Eyed Electrical Socket | The Arts Asylum |
7:30 PM | Down My Rabbit Hole | The Bird Comedy Theater |
7:30 PM | David Copperfield | The Black Box |
7:30 PM | Pivot | City Stage |
7:30 PM | my song | Center For Spiritual Living |
7:30 PM | Bi Spy | Independence Blvd CC |
7:30 PM | Sex and Death: The Folktale Edition | Oasis |
7:30 PM | That's So Magically Meta | Whim Space |
9:00 PM | Longfellow's Guardian Angel | The Arts Asylum |
9:00 PM | 2124 | The Bird Comedy Theater |
9:00 PM | The Spooky Sh*t Show 2 | The Black Box |
9:00 PM | The Dragon Dilemma: To Soothe, To Train, To Slay | City Stage |
9:00 PM | Beth & Mark's BIG BANG! | Center For Spiritual Living |
9:00 PM | Lets Get Weird: Story Hour!! | Independence Blvd Christian Church |
9:00 PM | Choral Odes | Oasis |
9:00 PM | Be my Guest | Whim Space |
10:30 PM | THAT WOMAN - THE MONOLOGUE SHOW | The Arts Asylum |
10:30 PM | Sketches from the 4th Dimension: 4 Sketches Performed Four Times! | The Bird Comedy Theater |
10:30 PM | Maquinitas | The Black Box |
10:30 PM | Terrace Wyatt, Jr.'s: Black Man, Missouri | City Stage |
10:30 PM | 2 Mimes in a Pod 2 | Center For Spiritual Living |
10:30 PM | Unmeasured | Independence Blvd CC |
10:30 PM | TransMasculine Cabaret, Starring Vulva Va-Voom | Whim Space |
July 20, 2024
July 21, 2024
July 23, 2024
Time | Show Title | Venue |
6:00 PM | Honey Bunny | The Arts Asylum |
6:00 PM | 2124 | The Bird Comedy Theater |
6:00 PM | Born Greg | The Black Box |
6:00 PM | Fringeprov | City Stage |
6:00 PM | Thy Hard: A Shakespearean Reimagination of Die Hard | Center For Spiritual Living |
6:00 PM | Bi Spy | Independence Blvd CC |
6:00 PM | Sex and Death: The Folktale Edition | KC Oasis |
6:00 PM | Playback Theatre | Whim Space |
7:30 PM | THAT WOMAN - THE MONOLOGUE SHOW | The Arts Asylum |
7:30 PM | A One Woman Titanic Parody in 59 Minutes or Less | The Bird Comedy Theater |
7:30 PM | A History Tour Hijacked | The Black Box |
7:30 PM | Terrace Wyatt, Jr.'s: Black Man, Missouri | City Stage |
7:30 PM | The Stories We Tell | Center For Spiritual Living |
7:30 PM | Unmeasured | Independence Blvd CC |
7:30 PM | Ida's Journey in America | KC Oasis |
7:30 PM | The Son Of A Man | Whim Space |
9:00 PM | The Greatest Garage Sale Ever | The Bird Comedy Theater |
9:00 PM | The Spooky Sh*t Show 2 | The Black Box |
9:00 PM | The Son Of A Man | Whim Space |
July 24, 2024
Time | Show Title | Venue |
6:00 PM | THAT WOMAN - THE MONOLOGUE SHOW | The Arts Asylum |
6:00 PM | Oh Look It's Magic! A Sensory Friendly Magic Show | The Bird Comedy Theater |
6:00 PM | A History Tour Hijacked | The Black Box |
6:00 PM | Pivot | City Stage |
6:00 PM | The Stories We Tell | Center For Spiritual Living |
6:00 PM | The Compleat History of Women, abridged | Independence Blvd CC |
6:00 PM | It's Not Over Until The Legends Sing | KC Oasis |
6:00 PM | Be my Guest | Whim Space |
7:30 PM | Honey Bunny | The Arts Asylum |
7:30 PM | Sketches from the Fourth Dimension: Four Sketches Performed Four Times! | The Bird Comedy Theater |
7:30 PM | Born Greg | The Black Box |
7:30 PM | Dream State | City Stage |
7:30 PM | Beth & Mark's BIG BANG! | Center For Spiritual Living |
7:30 PM | This Podcast Is... Uncalled For | Independence Blvd CC |
7:30 PM | A Shattered Mind | KC Oasis |
7:30 PM | Playback Theatre | Whim Space |
9:00 PM | GULAG GIRLS | The Arts Asylum |
9:00 PM | Saudade Onions: Live Reading of a Stranger's Diary | The Bird Comedy Theater |
9:00 PM | Seance Sisters | The Black Box |
9:00 PM | The Cardboard Knight | City Stage |
9:00 PM | my song | Center For Spiritual Living |
9:00 PM | Stroke of Genius: Pantomime Masturbation Throughout Performing Arts History | Whim Space |
July 25, 2024
Time | Show Title | Venue |
6:00 PM | Romantic Fools | The Arts Asylum |
6:00 PM | The Greatest Garage Sale Ever | The Bird Comedy Theater |
6:00 PM | David Copperfield | The Black Box |
6:00 PM | The Dragon Dilemma: To Soothe, To Train, To Slay | City Stage |
6:00 PM | 2 Mimes in a Pod 2 | Center For Spiritual Living |
6:00 PM | This Podcast Is... Uncalled For | Independence Blvd CC |
6:00 PM | Ida's Journey in America | KC Oasis |
6:00 PM | Playback Theatre | Whim Space |
7:30 PM | The Adventures of Radioactivity Man & One Eyed Electrical Socket | The Arts Asylum |
7:30 PM | Down My Rabbit Hole | The Bird Comedy Theater |
7:30 PM | Maquinitas | The Black Box |
7:30 PM | The Cardboard Knight | City Stage |
7:30 PM | my song | Center For Spiritual Living |
7:30 PM | Lets Get Weird: Story Hour!! | Independence Blvd CC |
7:30 PM | It's Not Over Until The Legends Sing | KC Oasis |
7:30 PM | That's So Magically Meta | Whim Space |
9:00 PM | Longfellow's Guardian Angel | The Arts Asylum |
9:00 PM | 2124 | The Bird Comedy Theater |
9:00 PM | Born Greg | The Black Box |
9:00 PM | Fringeprov | City Stage |
9:00 PM | The Stories We Tell | Center For Spiritual Living |
9:00 PM | The Wonder Drug | Independence Blvd CC |
9:00 PM | The Genuine Woman | KC Oasis |
9:00 PM | Be my Guest | Whim Space |
July 26, 2024
July 27, 2024
Time | Show Title | Venue |
1:30 PM | The Greatest Garage Sale Ever | The Bird Comedy Theater |
3:00 PM | Honey Bunny | The Arts Asylum |
3:00 PM | Oh Look It's Magic! A Sensory Friendly Magic Show | The Bird Comedy Theater |
3:00 PM | A History Tour Hijacked | The Black Box |
3:00 PM | my song | Center For Spiritual Living |
3:00 PM | The Compleat History of Women, abridged | Independence Blvd CC |
3:00 PM | Playback Theatre | Whim Space |
4:30 PM | The Adventures of Radioactivity Man & One Eyed Electrical Socket | The Arts Asylum |
4:30 PM | Saudade Onions: Live Reading of a Stranger's Diary | The Bird Comedy Theater |
4:30 PM | Seance Sisters | The Black Box |
4:30 PM | Dream State | City Stage |
4:30 PM | The Stories We Tell | Center For Spiritual Living |
4:30 PM | Unmeasured | Independence Blvd CC |
4:30 PM | The Genuine Woman | KC Oasis |
4:30 PM | That's So Magically Meta | Whim Space |
6:00 PM | Longfellow's Guardian Angel | The Arts Asylum |
6:00 PM | Sketches from the Fourth Dimension: Four Sketches Performed Four Times! | The Bird Comedy Theater |
6:00 PM | Maquinitas | The Black Box |
6:00 PM | Pivot | City Stage |
6:00 PM | Thy Hard: A Shakespearean Reimagination of Die Hard | Center For Spiritual Living |
6:00 PM | This Podcast Is... Uncalled For | Independence Blvd CC |
6:00 PM | Choral Odes | KC Oasis |
6:00 PM | TransMasculine Cabaret, Starring Vulva Va-Voom | Whim Space |
7:30 PM | GULAG GIRLS | The Arts Asylum |
7:30 PM | A One Woman Titanic Parody in 59 Minutes or Less | The Bird Comedy Theater |
7:30 PM | The Dragon Dilemma: To Soothe, To Train, To Slay | City Stage |
7:30 PM | Beth & Mark's BIG BANG! | Center For Spiritual Living |
7:30 PM | The Wonder Drug | Independence Blvd CC |
7:30 PM | A Shattered Mind | KC Oasis |
7:30 PM | Be my Guest | Whim Space |
9:00 PM | Romantic Fools | The Arts Asylum |
9:00 PM | Down My Rabbit Hole | The Bird Comedy Theater |
9:00 PM | Born Greg | The Black Box |
9:00 PM | The Cardboard Knight | City Stage |
9:00 PM | 2 Mimes in a Pod 2 | Center For Spiritual Living |
9:00 PM | Bi Spy | Independence Blvd CC |
9:00 PM | Ida's Journey in America | KC Oasis |
9:00 PM | Breakneck Twelfth Night | Whim Space |
10:30 PM | Honey Bunny | The Arts Asylum |
10:30 PM | 2124 | The Bird Comedy Theater |
10:30 PM | David Copperfield | The Black Box |
10:30 PM | It's Not Over Until The Legends Sing | KC Oasis |
10:30 PM | Stroke of Genius: Pantomime Masturbation Throughout Performing Arts History | Whim Space |
10:30 PM | Lets Get Weird: Story Hour!! | Independence Blvd Christian Church |