Ida’s Journey in America

By Jazzy K Productions LLC

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Company Name: Jazzy K Productions LLC

City/State: Kansas City, MO

Genre: Music, Storyteller

Ratings: Parental Guidance

Warnings: Adult Language

Venue: KC Oasis

Show Times:

7:30 PM Saturday, July 20
3:00 PM Sunday, July 21
7:30 PM Tuesday, July 23
6:00 PM Thursday, July 25
9:00 PM Saturday, July 27


As an Afro American female journalist, crusader, activist, and suffragist, I am honored and humbled to speak out regrading racism and sexism. Due to my encounters with both, I do not want any other woman to endure what I experienced.

Join me for an exclusive artistic and educational conversation to support and heal Afro American communities, address equal rights, form organizations for women, and fight for social justice in America.


Karen E. Griffin (KE)

Past Fringe Shows:

Playing, Dress Up, 2021
Jazz to the A to the Double Z, 2023

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  1. Dave Negrau Black on July 19, 2024 at 6:53 pm

    Saw her at two of the Fringe Teasers and several times over the years (at Fringe and other places). My goodness, she can sing and powerful storytelling skills!

    She has been a local KC artist (painting, fabrics, singing, performances,…) since she was a girl. Treat yourself to a chat w Karen after her shows or at her studio at Englewood Arts Center.

  2. Bob M. on July 20, 2024 at 9:09 pm

    I’ll confess, I had not heard of Ida B. Wells before tonight’s performance, and now I want to know a lot more! Karen G. is a talented – captivating! – performer. After seeing her performance in last year’s Fringe, her’s was a ‘must-see’ selection as we reviewed this year’s program. And after seeing this, I can honestly say that was the right decision.

  3. JEFFERY SMITH on July 20, 2024 at 10:39 pm

    Once again KE delivered a captivating and powerful performance of theater and art while educating. i went to Saturday evenings performance solely because of how impressed I was with her talent from last years fringe performance of “J to the A to the Double Z”. Ids’s Journey in america tells the story of Ida B. Wells – an important american story that I had never heard before. The artist didn’t portray Wells; she became her so much that the transformation from character back to artist at the end of the performance for a Q and A was profoundly moving for her and the audience. An evening and performance that I won’t soon forget.
    Please Take Note – Karen E. Lewis is a Kansas City treasure that deserves and will hopefully soon have a platform for a much wider international audience. Period!

  4. Deb Branson on July 22, 2024 at 12:03 am

    What a powerful way to teach history! A captivating portrayal of a woman I don’t think any of us have heard enough about. It was fascinating to listen to KE talk about her art during the talk-back, too.

  5. Sara Geelan on July 23, 2024 at 1:06 pm

    This checked all the boxes. The story is so interesting and needs to be told. The acting was flawless. The quilted artwork was beautiful and told stories. And the Q&A was an unexpected, but appreciated component. A must see!

  6. Maureen A. Kennedy on July 23, 2024 at 3:34 pm

    What a wonderful and moving event. KE is so gifted and her story telling kept me engaged. I know so much more about Ida B Wells and her accomplishments. We need to know more about the women and the African American women of our history.

  7. Linda Kuntz on July 23, 2024 at 9:24 pm

    We love seeing KE’s performances. Based on past Fringe shows, we knew we did not want to miss Ida’s Journey in America. We were moved as we learned Ida’s story. This woman was wrote out of history by her contemporaries and everyone needs to know how this one-woman dynamo was a journalist, activist, freedom fighter and suffragrette. KE brought Ida’s story to life through words, action and dress. Please take note: you need to see this show. Period. The good news is you can catch her final shows before it is too late.

  8. Laura Packer on July 23, 2024 at 9:39 pm

    Simply extraordinary. Before our eyes KE transforms into one of the most important and overlooked figures in american history. I am so grateful to her for this powerful performance. You need to see this show.

  9. Gary on July 23, 2024 at 9:46 pm

    A piece of history not taught in school, though it should be. Karen’ portrayal of Ida B. Wells was touching, thought provoking, and very, very powerful. I sat amazed as Ida told her story in a way that let us see and feel her struggles and applaud her many accomplishments throughout her life. Her devotion to fighting injustice and her willingness to speak truth to power is something current leaders should remember and emulate. The journey Ida (Karen) took us on is one that everyone should hear.

  10. MaryL on July 24, 2024 at 10:03 am

    THIS is the production we NEED by a ARTIST that knows how to take the Audience on a journey. Thank you KE

    • MJ on July 26, 2024 at 10:50 am

      Powerful story with passionate and artistic storytelling. Ida came alive and will not be forgotten. Thank you KE … now if I can convince you to share this with my students.

  11. Sarah on July 24, 2024 at 10:23 am

    What an incredible performance piece. KE did a wonderful job of telling us the story of Ida’s long and incredible life and all the things she did, not only for the black community but for women everywhere. Ida deserves to be known and KE nailed it.

  12. Beth Anne Byrd-Lonski on July 25, 2024 at 9:50 am

    KE is Ida B Wells incarnate. Another moving piece of theater delivered by a consumer story teller.

  13. Marge on July 25, 2024 at 9:03 pm

    This is an amazing storytelling journey not to be missed. Ida is clearly present in this strong performance translating the injustices of black Americans in America

  14. David on July 25, 2024 at 9:32 pm

    Fantabulous!!!! I thought Ida was on stage talking to us. She cry I cried, we all cried a real cathartic experience. I didn’t know much about Isa , wow! This show should tour to every school. One of the top shows of the Festival. Please how see it if you can. One more show at 9:00 Saturday. I was just blown away by how great it was.

  15. Marge on July 25, 2024 at 10:56 pm

    KE is an amazing storyteller or is she Ida B Wells. She took us on a journey of one woman’s “less fight, more flight” to raise up black communities and women. A must see show. I hope it’s performed in schools.

  16. Tess Koppelman on July 26, 2024 at 12:22 am

    KE commands the stage and takes you on a powerful journey. Her passion and pain about this subject matter shines. She became Ida in spirit, and made us all hear her story and feel her sorrow. Brilliant storytelling.

  17. Molly Merrigan on July 26, 2024 at 3:09 pm

    What an impressive work. I didn’t know anything about Ida Wells. So interesting and informative. Very well performed.

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