Upcoming Events

Friday, March 21 — 4pm to 8pm
Saturday, March 22 — 2pm to 6pm
Sunday, March 23 — 2pm to 6pm

The KC Fringe Festival Unified Auditions

Actors, dancers, singers -audition to be in a KC Fringe Show. You may forward this to friends you think might be interested.

Performers have 5 minutes to bring in acting monologues, songs, dance, juggling, whatever — nothing physically dangerous, no nudity.

Auditions will be recorded on video — your application to audition will serve as your video release. If you would like to sing, you must bring along your own music and means to play it — phone, speaker, etc.

EMAIL Andy Garrison at
andy@actortrainingstudio.com for a time slot –and more info!
ONLY email submissions will be accepted.

If you reserve a time slot you’re unable to attend you MUST contact Andy at least 5 days in advance!

Break a leg!

Looking to jump in and help out, earn stipends, volunteer and become One of Us?

Check out these images from KC Fringe 2024!

So, What happened on the fringe in 2024?

Our Sponsors

We are so grateful for the following organizations who support KC Fringe and our community.