Down My Rabbit Hole

By Abby Bland

Company Name: Abby Bland

City/State: Kansas City, KS

Genre: Comedy, Storyteller

Ratings: R

Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Content

Venue: The Bird Comedy Theater

Show Times:

7:30 PM Friday, July 19
10:30 PM Saturday, July 20
4:30 PM Sunday, July 21
7:30 PM Thursday, July 25
9:00 PM Saturday, July 27


From the same writer that brought you Godzilla’s Not a Dinosaur,(Best of Venue, 2023) comes a brand new comedy and poetry show. Abby Bland explores the ups and downs of navigating existing on the internet and In Real Life. This show falls down multiple rabbit holes like the absurdity of dating as a femme, growing up in the Midwest, leaving the church, and at least one rabbit vibrator joke that will disappoint my mom.


Abby Bland

Past Fringe Shows:

Godzilla's Not a Dinosaur producer/writer/performer, 2023 You Are Here, producer/writer/performer, 2022

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Kansas City, MO 64141-5001