Down My Rabbit Hole

By Abby Bland

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2414 show image Rabbit Hole

Company Name: Abby Bland

City/State: Kansas City, KS

Genre: Comedy, Storyteller

Ratings: R

Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Content

Venue: The Bird Comedy Theater

Show Times:

7:30 PM Friday, July 19
10:30 PM Saturday, July 20
4:30 PM Sunday, July 21
7:30 PM Thursday, July 25
9:00 PM Saturday, July 27


From the same writer that brought you Godzilla’s Not a Dinosaur,(Best of Venue, 2023) comes a brand new comedy and poetry show. Abby Bland explores the ups and downs of navigating existing on the internet and In Real Life. This show falls down multiple rabbit holes like the absurdity of dating as a femme, growing up in the Midwest, leaving the church, and at least one rabbit vibrator joke that will disappoint my mom.


Abby Bland

Past Fringe Shows:

Godzilla's Not a Dinosaur producer/writer/performer, 2023 You Are Here, producer/writer/performer, 2022

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  1. Jennifer Johnson on July 19, 2024 at 10:20 pm

    This was our third time seeing Abby, and we’ve been pretty regular Fringers over the past 10 years. This standup routine had some moments, but seemed to be a little unfinished. We had a few laugh out loud moments.

  2. Danielle Anderson on July 20, 2024 at 3:00 pm

    This show had a great pace and Abby was comfortable on stage sharing stories and insights from their life through a really well blended mix of stand up and poetry. The hour went by fast and I enjoyed going down the rabbit hole!

    • Katie on July 20, 2024 at 11:38 pm

      So funny and so good!

  3. Tim Mooney on July 20, 2024 at 10:45 pm

    What a fun show…! Even in her bridging material, in-between her hilarious routines, Abby doesn’t phone it in: she keeps expressing herself in unique, quirky, fun turns of phrase. Ticklishly delightful.

    • Dean Hatton on July 22, 2024 at 12:09 am

      A fine story teller and good writer.
      A perfect mix of personal comedy and tragedy.
      Her poems are very thought provoking and heart felt.

  4. Rhiannon Scherer on July 21, 2024 at 12:39 am

    Don’t miss Abby’s show! Serious AND funny & seriously funny!! 😍🤩😍🤩

  5. Forest Kinsey on July 21, 2024 at 12:36 pm

    Abby is an excellent writer and storyteller! It’s a show of insightful comedy, truly enjoyable.

  6. David Bis on July 21, 2024 at 5:14 pm

    Abby’s combination of poetry and stand-up comedy creates a fresh blend of performance that is genuine, funny, and imbued with clever charm. Their approach to telling stories is superb and provides for a show full of sincere and entertaining perspectives.

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