
By Wildflower Productions

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Unmeasured.Mercy’s Curse

Company Name: Wildflower Productions

City/State: Kansas City, MO

Genre: Theatre

Ratings: Parental Guidance

Director: Dawn Youngs

Playwright: William Shakespeare

Warnings: Sexual Content

Venue: Independence Blvd Christian Church

Show Times:

10:30 PM Friday, July 19
6:00 PM Saturday, July 20
7:30 PM Tuesday, July 23
7:30 PM Friday, July 26
4:30 PM Saturday, July 27


Unmeasured: unorthodox retelling of Shakespear's Measure for Measure, deconstructed and retold with womxn’s voices. We take on the hypocrisy of morality laws, while navigating through a sea of unwelcome advances, sexism, and hostile coercion tactics.

Wildflower Stories will donate 12.5% of its proceeds from the 2024 KC Fringe Festival to MOCSA (Metropolitan Organization to Counter Sexual Assault) as they strive “to prevent sexual violence in our community” (mocsa.org). We encourage you to also support MOCSA.


Sarah Schrader- Cast/Music Director
Christian Cooley- Set/Props
Sara Scoops Cooper-Cast/Asst. Stage Manager
Cait Lambrecht- Cast/Costumes
Tim Osborn- Sound
Emily Sanderlin Osborn- Cast/Producer
Emm Shields- Cast/Marketing & Social Media
Grace Tritsch- Stage Manager
Dominique Lorae.- Cast
John Wostenberg- Sound
Dawn Youngs- Cast/Director

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  1. Mason Hoyt on July 24, 2024 at 12:56 am

    The integration of multiple different Shakespeare plays works very well, the intimate staging only adds to the discomfort, and the performances are all top notch. The use of hymns over disturbing sequences of ritualistic mutilation and marching is particularly potent. Never have I been made more uncomfortable in only 40 minutes.

  2. Kim Stone on July 25, 2024 at 7:02 am

    A viscerally impactful and engaging experience.
    While I knew next to nothing about this story going on, the staging and acting immediately sucked me in. As challenging as the text of Shakespeare can feel when you go in blind the command these actors have of the text and emotion that drives it helps to fill in any gaps of knowledge you might have. This interpretation proves that if you have a great, committed cast and a strong directorial vision that Shakespeare is as digestible but engaging as ever (even when done in the time constraint of 60 min or less).
    One of the best of the Fringe and hopefully not one that people pass by!

  3. Payton on July 26, 2024 at 8:23 am

    This show blends Shakespeare and modernity seamlessly, especially with one of Shakespeare’s least modern shows one could argue. The actors are all incredibly committed to the text which is beautifully written and adapted. Even one who claims to not ‘understand’ Shakespeare would completely understand this show and find it entertaining and thought provoking. I look forward to seeing more from the minds of this creative team. You do not want to miss this show.

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P.O. Box 415001
Kansas City, MO 64141-5001