
By Wildflower Productions

Company Name: Wildflower Productions

City/State: Kansas City, MO

Genre: Theatre

Ratings: Parental Guidance

Director: Dawn Youngs

Warnings: Sexual Content

Venue: Independence Blvd Christian Church

Show Times:

10:30 PM Friday, July 19
6:00 PM Saturday, July 20
7:30 PM Tuesday, July 23
7:30 PM Friday, July 26
4:30 PM Saturday, July 27


Unmeasured: unorthodox retelling of Shakespear's Measure for Measure, deconstructed and retold with womxn’s voices. We take on the hypocrisy of morality laws, while navigating through a sea of unwelcome advances, sexism, and hostile coercion tactics.

Wildflower Stories will donate 12.5% of its proceeds from the 2024 KC Fringe Festival to MOCSA (Metropolitan Organization to Counter Sexual Assault) as they strive “to prevent sexual violence in our community” (mocsa.org). We encourage you to also support MOCSA.


Christian Cooley- Set/Props
Sara Scoops Cooper-Cast/Asst. Stage Manager
Cait Lambrecht- Cast/Costumes
Tim Osborn- Sound
Emily Sanderlin Osborn- Cast/Producer
Emm Shields- Cast/Marketing & Social Media
Grace Tritsch- Stage Manager
Dominique Waller- Cast
John Wostenberg- Sound
Dawn Youngs- Cast/Director

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P.O. Box 415001
Kansas City, MO 64141-5001