Dear White People: The Racism Monologues Set to Music

Lisa Henry

Show Information:

 DearWhitePeople-LisaHenry Time to have that UGLY CONVERSATION, and hear those uncomfortable truths……….from a Black Woman……with a son.  Recent events in our nation compel us all to take a  hard look in the mirror, and decide what kind of future we ALL want to have – for ourselves and our children.  The dialog can no longer wait.  Solutions must be placed on the table.  Old history must be examined and acknowledged.  Present society must discuss the plight of Black Men.International jazz vocalist Lisa Henry, accompanied by a bassist and violinist, will present a raw and real presentation on racism in America, it’s affects on the Black psyche, the community,  and how to start the very painful and necessary dialog in our homes and communities


The Fishtank1715 WyandotteKansas City, MO 64108

Show Times

7/18 – Saturday – 11:00 pm7/22- Wednesday- 8:00 pm7/24- Friday- 9:30 pm




60 Minutes




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