Down the Urinal Hole and Around the Corner

The Cult Next Door

Show Information:

Hi. Hello it’s me. And you, yes, you are invited to a #QueerCultHorror loosely inspired by Edgar Allen Poe’s Masque of the Red Death. Excited yet? Prepare for sexuality, intimacy, and ecstasy, as you swallow down the fears of reality to enter our world of fantasy. It’s time to replace all these controversies with our musical numbers about vulnerability, daddy problems, and toast. It’ll be a party you’ll never forget! Join us. XOXO From The Hostess With The Mostest ~ Prospero <3

The Cult Next Door is a NYC based theatre company that was founded in the depths of Pace University’s School of Performing Arts. This eclectic mix of international performers, who have individually trained in various aspects of performance, have come together to manifest ungodly proportions. Together they incorporate music, highly physical movements, satire, and explosions to create work that reveals the strange, grotesque, and sometimes unsettling aspects of daily routine.


Musical Theatre Heritage

2450 Grand Blvd #301,

Kansas City, MO 64108

Show Times

July 22 – Saturday – 9:30pm

July 24 – Monday – 9:30pm

July 25 – Tuesday – 6:30pm

July 26 – Wednesday – 8:00pm

July 28 – Friday – 6:30pm

July 28 – Friday – 11:00pm





60 Minutes


Parental Guidance


Adult Language

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9 responses to “Down the Urinal Hole and Around the Corner”

  1. Will McCarthy Avatar
    Will McCarthy

    Ok, I um…first of all…ok wait. You need to see this. I’m having a hard time explaining. It’s a cult show, and I’m coming back.

  2. While I admire this troupe’s dedication to creativity and expression, I have no idea what I watched on this stage.

  3. Tim Solansky Avatar
    Tim Solansky

    I’m speechless… but I know I have to come back. It’s hard to explain…but magnetic is the best word I have for it.

  4. @ParkerAllenStanley Avatar

    I’m in this show. I’d recommend it. It’s a party.

  5. Mr rooster Avatar
    Mr rooster

    It was very good and very intertaning

  6. Victor rosas Avatar
    Victor rosas

    Spectacular, extraordinarily, eccentric, freakish, wondrous! Just a few of the words you could use to describe this show & I absolutely loved It! I will definitely have to go watch again soon.

  7. Jim Geary Avatar
    Jim Geary

    This was a really fun show to see. A very dynamic, explosive performance from the entire cast and poignant social commentary on a broad set of themes that affect the LGBTQ community on a daily basis. Couldn’t recommend this show enough.

  8. This play was one of the strangest and weirdest plays I have ever seen. It is described as being based loosely on one of the stories written by Edgar Allen Poe. I read many of Poe’s stories in high school, but that was 45-47 years ago. Naturally, I remember nothing of those stories! LOL Although I had a hard time recognizing a plot, it did touch on some LGBT issues. The story and the acting were not exceptional in any way, but it was not bad. It was definitely very creative, entertaining, and fun to watch. I give the play a seven out of ten, based largely on how creative it was.

  9. Thomas D. Avatar
    Thomas D.

    This was my first Fringe show and, oh my god, I couldn’t be happier that it was. The ensemble’s performances were stunning, I was mesmerized from the second I entered the venue and was always engaged with the production. What I am about to say is 100% truth, I watched a member of the company eat toast and my world has been changed. This show MUST be shared with everyone.