I Can Rap ‘The Raven’, and Other Things I Probably Shouldn’t Brag About

Apostrophe S

Show Information:

Taylor Kay Phillips has many talents and virtually no skills. Born and raised in KC, she knew all the US presidents in order before she learned how to change a light bulb. And after 4 years at Harvard, her most impressive credential is her ability to cry on command.

Now a comedian/tutor/writer/former advertiser/not-quite-a-disappointment-to-her-parents-but-certainly-getting-there in New York City, Taylor has done what many other unmarketably talented people before her have done- written a show about it.

Join TKP and her joyfully useless abilities for a night of storytelling and comedy that prove that while a Liberal Arts education is certainly a waste of money, it is not a waste of time.


Westport Coffee House

4010 Pennsylvania Ave

Kansas City, MO 64108

Show Times

July 21 – Friday – 7:30pm

July 24 – Monday – 9:00pm

July 26 – Wednesday – 7:30pm

July 28 – Friday – 9:00pm




60 Minutes





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