Big Top – Review by Kelly Luck

Back in 2012, physical comedian David Gaines brought his “7 (x1) Samurai” to the Kansas City Fringe where it caused a sensation. This year, he is back with a new performance harking back to the golden age of the traveling circus.

Gaines (as always portraying all the characters) tells the story of a bashful circus employee, smitten with a beautiful tightrope walker. He spends his days cleaning up after the animals, running the concession stand, and sneaking off to marvel at the show every chance he gets. When the ringmaster tries to force himself on the tightrope walker, the hero and a couple of his animal friends find themselves defending her…fifty feet above the sawdust floor.

Mr Gaines is still just as adept at physical comedy as ever. He keeps the show running along nicely, and is an expert in keeping everyone up to speed with the characters and plot even in pantomime. As has been noted, this show is suitable for all ages, and this reviewer feels that even those young people growing up now – most of whom will likely never see a large-scale circus – will get as much out of it as any of us who have such memories to look back on.