Expectation – Review by Luke Dodge

If you asked me to describe “Expectation” in one word, I would first say it cannot be done. If you pressed me again for an answer, I would begrudgingly say “primal.” I would then quickly recant my statement and claim it could not be done.

The show opens as Sarah Frangenberg walks to a darkened stage filled with a lone black chair. You see her bones moving under her muscular form, both grotesque and beautiful. Her non-verbal expressiveness breathtaking.

Recordings of spoken word (a combination of stories and poems) coupled with music, singing, and sounds of nature break the dance into distinct emotions which often spill out into the audience. Was her body a conduit for the music? Or was the music created to match the dance? Losing all sense of time, I could not help but smile as the audience broke out into spontaneous applause.

Up, down, left, right, forward, reverse, clockwise, counter-clockwise, fast, slow; look away, even for a moment, and you will miss the tiny movements building atop another to form an intricate display which never repeats (and if you think you’re seeing the same series twice then I challenge that you’re not paying enough attention).

Sarah Frangenberg puts all her energy into the piece and the result was astounding. Her range of motion was showcased in this carefully choreographed piece; every part of her moves and flows in a story. The entirety of the stage was used with both the energy of a young child and the grace of an elder.

I was not always sure what images were being evoked inside my own mind, but there was always a gripping feeling there. Entrancing to say the least, this show is not something I am able to describe without mangling her effort and the production in the process. You should experience this show with your own eyes; definitely a must-see.

Tip: Be sure to sit near the front as the action takes place on all levels of the stage.