2022 Technical Questionnaire Final

2022 Technical Questionnaire Final

Step 1 of 3 33% The 18th Annual KC Fringe Festival takes place Friday, July 15th to Sunday July 31st, 2022, live performances will open July 22nd with technical rehearsals from Sunday July 17 thru Thursday July 21th. This form is due by midnight March 15, 2022. Please read all questions carefully and thoroughly as you answer. The more information we have, the better prepared the festival technical staff will be to help you produce your show. Remember that Fringe is a different producing environment. There are some basic guidelines that everyone must be aware of: Technical Guidelines 1. Do NOT contact your venue directly for any reason. That means no calls, no emails, no contact in person – nothing. If you need anything, reach out to your technical director Ashley Dover at ashleydover@kcfringe-org.us.stackstaging.com. Producers who contact venues directly risk fines or forfeiture of show. 2. Companies are assigned to a venue based on technical needs. You may not request a venue. 3. No elaborate technical demands. You must be able to load in and set up your show in ten minutes, and you get ten minutes to strike after your show. 4. Fringe Festival does not provide guaranteed storage space in your venue. Prepare to bring your set and costumes in and out for every performance. Your venue technician will coordinate, with all groups involved, if any storage areas become available in your venue. 5. No projection equipment of any kind is provided by the Festival. You may bring your own with approval from your venue technician and the Festival Technical Director. You will also need to provide your own projection surface or screen. 6. No wireless microphones of any kind are provided by the Festival. You may bring your own with approval from your venue technician and the Festival technical director. Please indicate in this form if you are planning to bring wireless microphones. 7. No pianos are provided by the Festival. All pianos in venues belong to those venues. We make no agreements for their use. 8. You may do merchandise sales, in the lobby, before or after the show, if space permits. Check with your venue technician. 9. No distribution of food or alcohol to the audience will be permitted. 10. Arrange for all permits required. The festival technical director or venue technician will be able to provide information on any permits that are needed, but it is the producing company’s responsibility to acquire these items. The Festival does not pay for these permits. The artists are responsible for those fees! All inquiries must be made to your venue technician or the Festival Technical Directors, Ashley Dover and Glen Lewis- tech@kcfringe-org.us.stackstaging.com How You Can Help Make Your Show A Success? 1. Submit all Fringe materials. 2. Be responsible for all your personal expenses and personal property. 3. Be responsible for any and all equipment that you are utilizing. 4. Every producer receives one 3 hour technical rehearsal time slot. This rehearsal will be coordinated with your venue technician. 5. Arrive for your technical rehearsal with everything needed for your show (i.e. copy tech script, props, sets, costumes, stage manager, ideas on lighting and sound cues, etc.) Lay out your set, run sound and lighting cues, and if the time permits you will be able to run a dress rehearsal. 6. Call time for shows is 30 minutes before your performance. This is required. If you do not show up 30 minutes prior to your show, your venue technician will assume you are not showing up at all and start planning accordingly. 7. Communicate with your venue technician in any cases of emergency. 8. Attend the Artist Question and Answer session, or zoom Q&A. The session will be held at Non-Profit Village, 31 W. 31st Street. (Park in the U-Haul Lot immediately to the east of the building. Please do not park along the walls.) There will be a zoom link for any out of town shows, or producers that can not attend in person. Saturday March 5th, 10:00am – 11:30am Sunday March 6, 4:00pm – 5:30pm Monday March 7, 6:00-7:30pm 9. Read your Producer’s Manual for answers to any questions that may arise. 10. Promote! Promote! Promote! Fringe promotes the Festival. You are responsible for promoting your show! Follow us on FB, Instagram and Ticktock. All under KC Fringe! Use #KCFringe on all of your posts.


All Fringe correspondence will be sent to the Primary Contact Person only. Only the Primary Contact Person is authorized to submit or make changes to show and company information. Please check your email regularly as this is the only way the Fringe will communicate with you. The primary contact is responsible for turning in all paperwork for everyone involved with that company.


Secondary Name


The KC Fringe Festival venues will be filled on a first-come-first-served basis. Performance venues will be assigned by the festival based on your choice of venue size. The application fee varies and is based on the size of venue that you choose below.Note: Smaller venues typically have smaller stages, larger venues typically have larger stages. Please list any special needs your production will require, such as a particular stage floor surface in your venue, wheelchair-accessible stage, or space for a very large cast and crew.
Are you producing a show specifically aimed at teenagers?
Are you producing a show specifically aimed at kids 12 and under?
Have you ever participated in a show at the Kansas City Fringe before?
Are you or your company from the Greater Kansas City area?
This application will be considered a legal agreement between you and the Kansas City Fringe Festival. We reserve the right to refuse any application. The Kansas City Fringe is unjuried and uncensored. Performance slots are filled on a first come, first served basis. The first 60 fully paid applicants are guaranteed performance slots in the 2022 KC Fringe Festival. Any remaining fully paid applications will be put on a waiting list in the order received. All performing companies agree to adhere to the laws of Missouri, the ordinances of the City of Kansas City, Missouri, and the policies and procedures of the KC Fringe Festival, stated within this document. The KC Fringe Festival reserves the right to cancel any performances of companies or artists not adhering to this agreement. All performers must individually sign a waiver of liability form and provide a signed copy to the Fringe office no later than July 17, 2022. The application fee is due with your application by February 15, 2022. We cannot assign you a performance slot until we receive your full payment. Venue assignments and show schedules will be completed by May 15, 2022. Do not call your venue for any reason. The venue is simply providing the space. KC Fringe has complete control of how that space is set-up and managed. You jeopardize the venue’s participation if you contact them. The venue cannot and will not answer your questions. Application fees will be processed upon receipt. Companies may withdraw from the festival with a full refund before May 1, 2022. Cancellations are accepted only from the primary contact, and only in writing. Companies that withdraw after May 1, 2022, forfeit their application fee. You will receive confirmation that your application was received. If you don’t hear back or have questions, contact us at applications@kcfringe-org.us.stackstaging.com or call 816-533-5890. You can pay now via Square or send a check to: KC Fringe Festival
P.O. Box 415001
Kansas City, MO 64141-5001
How will you pay application fee(Required)
Credit CardPlease create a Square feed.
Signed Agreement(Required)