Longfellow’s Guardian Angel - New Digital Pathways

Reviewed By Luke Dodge

"Longfellow’s Guardian Angel" by New Digital Pathways is a thought-provoking show that intertwines modern life with historical reflection. The plot revolves around an up-and-coming poet, late to a meeting with his publisher, who encounters a homeless man claiming to be his guardian angel. The parallels drawn between this poet and the famous Longfellow, especially through the recitation of "The Sinking of the Hephestus," add a layer of historical depth.

Both actors deliver compelling performances, fully inhabiting their characters. The dynamic between the grounded, skeptical poet and the seemingly crazy but endearing guardian angel creates a humorous and engaging tennis match of dialogue. The whimsical banter and light mocking by the guardian angel elicit genuine laughs from the audience, while the historical parallels provide an unexpected but welcome supernatural component.

However, the show falters slightly in its character arc. The ambiguous ending, while intriguing, leaves the main character’s growth unclear. The encounter feels impactful in the moment, but its lasting effect on the poet is left uncertain. Adding a subtle shift in the poet’s character could enhance the story’s emotional resonance without sacrificing its open-ended nature.

Overall, "Longfellow’s Guardian Angel" is a pleasant and thought-provoking experience. The actors' chemistry and the clever script create a memorable performance. The ambiguous epilogue invites the audience to ponder the nature of the guardian angel, adding a layer of intrigue to the whimsical narrative.

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