Dancing with Crows Feet

Arts and AGEing Kansas City

Show Information:

Dancing With Crow’s Feet is a signature piece inspired by lived experiences. The play is grounded in life stories of older women in Kansas City with the focus on aging from a female perspective. It uses ancient folklore about crows to weave life stories together. Older women’s experiences align with one another through the rich symbolism of appearing crow’s feet. Their embodied rememberings become a discovery of connectedness as stories resonate between women and crow.

Dancing With Crow’s Feet examines myths and stereotypes of growing older. It takes flight in re-imagining what it means to age to uncover the potentialities of older women reclaiming beauty and soaring with strengths. The play challenges audiences to redefine aging as it moves in a framework of culture change.

Website: www.artsandageingkc.org


Musical Theatre Heritage

2450 Grand Blvd #301

Kansas City, MO 64108

Show Times

July 22 – Friday – 7:30pm

July 23 – Saturday – 4:30pm

July 28 – Thursday – 7:30pm

July 30 – Saturday – 6:00pm




60 Minutes





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