
Your gift to KC Fringe Festival makes a huge difference!

It allows us to continue providing valuable programming that connects our communities and showcases our local, new and emerging, artists. Support levels range from individual donations to sponsorships.  We are so grateful for the following organizations who support KC Fringe and our community.

Individual & Business Support

Whether received on our website or through one of our fundraiser events throughout the year, KC Fringe Festival would like to thank all our donors for their support! Your help offsets operation costs and keeps our lights on!

Donate Today

Corporate Sponsorship Opportunities

We’re looking for sponsors as dynamic as we are!

KC Fringe Festival is the perfect opportunity to engage with the more dynamic people within our communities. Our audience is multi-generational. They are grassroots Art Supporters. They are people who love the Kansas City “up and coming” arts scene. They are an open-minded, energetic community looking for a variety of entertainment. Wherever you are in life, there is something for everyone!

Interested? Contact Audrey Crabtree at

KC Fringe is primarily a volunteer organization including seasonal festival staff, board, and festival volunteers. KC Fringe is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization chartered in the State of Missouri.

Current In-kind donation needs: 

Display case for Visual Arts

Laptop Computers with WIFI capabilities for Volunteer Team Use

Appetizers for Visual Art Opening

Beverages for Visual Arts Opening

Snacks for Volunteer team

Water/ alcoholic beverages for Volunteer Team

Working Pop-up Tent for events

8 1/2 by 11 laminating sheets