Electoral Dysfunction 2016

Right Between the Ears

Show Information:


The award winning radio comedy show goes off on Campaign 2016! Donald Trump wants to build a wall with his tiny hands, Hillary Clinton has email trouble, Ted Cruz is against genital stimulation of any kind, Ben Carson doesn’t remember running for President and Bernie Sanders just wants you to get off his damn lawn. It’s Saturday Night Live-meets-the Golden Age of Radio in this hour of topical tomfoolery by public radio’s popular satiric.Right Between the Ears recently celebrated 30 years on the air on Kansas Public Radio stations and has been seen/heard on Sirius-XM, National Public Radio, the BBC, 60 Minutes, KCPT-TV, Delta Radio and Audible.com. In 2001, the troupe appeared in its own weekly show on public television. The show’s a four-time winner of the Gold Medal as Best Comedy Show at the New York Festivals, twice winning the Festivals’ prestigious Grand Prize.

Website: www.rightbetweentheears.com


Union Station City Stage

30 W Pershing Rd

Kansas City, MO 64108

Show Times

July 23 – Saturday – 9:00pm

July 24 – Sunday – 3:00pm

July 25 – Monday – 6:00pm

July 28 – Thursday – 9:00pm

July 30 – Saturday – 7:30pm




60 Minutes





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