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National Storytellers Network
National Storytellers Network
7/21 Performances – 9:45 PM
Facing the Dark: The Devil in the Green Coat and the Berserker’s Daughter
National Storytelling Network
A soldier returned from Vietnam and shook the Devil’s hand. Sigunnr was twelve when her fauther took her into his bed. Two stories of overcoming the darkness and finding love. Warning: Adult Language
By Cooper Braun, CO
Spoken Word | 60m | Rated R |
A Sleep and a Forgetting
National Storytelling Network
What happens when we lose our origin story? How do we navigate our way home? A journey to reclaim a place to stand. Warning: Adult Language
By Wendy Gourley, UT
Spoken Word | 60m | Rated R |
Strange But True Civil War Stories
National Storytelling Network
A different look at the American Civil War – or War of Northern Aggression between the States. Hear stories of famous personalities, places, and events through unusual stories that really happened. Warning: Adult Language
By Mike Lockett, IL
Spoken Word | 60m | Rated R |
7/22 Performances – 9:45 PM
A Different Type of Magic: The Unfolding Story of Harry Houdini
National Storytelling Network
Harry Houdini was known for his magic. However, his story is more compelling than his tricks. Experience his complicated story including the mystical, improbably, complicated, and inviting. A family program with some improvisation, based on research from Houdini’s life presented as a multi-narrative. Warning: Adult Language
By Kevin D. Cordi, OH
Spoken Word | 60m | Rated R |
Kafka: Metamorphosis
National Storytelling Network
What if you awoke one morning to find that everything had changed, that in the night you had become something frightening, even disgusting? It happened to Gregor Samsa. Warning: Adult Language
Told by Margaret Meyers, MN
Spoken Word | 60m | Rated R |
A Thousand Nights and One: Tales from the Arabian Nights
National Storytelling Network
Two stories of trickerty, of loves lost and found, and lost again, with a little cross dressing thrown in. Warning: Adult Language
Told by Jane Ogburn Dorfman, MD
Spoken Word | 60m | Rated R |
7/23 Performances – 9:45 PM
Barry Manilow is in My Closet
National Storytelling Network
Sex, marriage, death, and taxes – we have been through it all – and so has Barry Manilow. On the roller coaster of life, music and passion are always the fashion. Warning: Adult Language
By Debbie Weston & Tracy Sue Walker, GA
Spoken Word | 60m | Rated R |
My Old Man: True Tales from My Dad’s Life
National Storytelling Network
By 1917 standards, Dad’s parents were old when he was born – 40, in fact. Happily ever after wasn’t even close. Not even “normal” ever after would describe his life. Warning: Adult Language
By Julie Moss, CO
Spoken Word | 60m | Rated R |
Transactors: A Gender Journey
National Storytelling Network
A father’s emotional journey of the transgender evolution of his young-adult child, told through world-tales, personal storytelling and pictures – a personal crafting, not a dogmatic discussion. Warning: Adult Language
By Sean Buvala, AZ
Spoken Word | 60m | Rated R |
Plaza Marriott Hotel
4445 Main St
Kansas City, MO 64111