River Cow Orchestra

By River Cow Orchestra

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River Cow Chill Jazz

Company Name: River Cow Orchestra

Ratings: rivercoworchestra.fieldinfoserv.com

Venue: Crossroads Coffee


Unmitigated enjoyment. ~Dave Sumner, AllAbout Jazz.com. The audience leaves with a smile, because they’ve been not to a concert but to an event. ~Sara D. Seidel, Farris Theater. Impressive ~Joe Dimino, Neon Jazz KCXL FM. Playful, energetic, and unbounded. ~Dave Sumner, Bird Is The Worm. I give them 5 out of 5 stars! ~Cassiopia DeMars, KansasCityCassi.com. At the end of the day, it was all just plain fun ~Roger Atkinson, KC Jazz Ambassador Magazine.

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