Flights of Faery Fancy – Review by Halle Parris

‘Flights of Faery Fancy’ was a fantastic show. It combined traditional children stories with phenomenal aerialist performances. Along with beautiful outfits, lights, and soundtrack, the story felt fun and beautiful.

‘Flights of Faery Fancy’ started with the Faery Godmother who tells us a little about each story. As the lights centered on her and music played, the Faery Godmother climbed the silk and set off the first aerialist performance of many. She was so flexible, it looked like she was doing yoga on the silk. She elegantly dominated her role as a professional aerialist and actress.

Then it was Jack and the Bean Stalk. After a funny acting scene, music started to play. Climbing the silk as a bean stalk, the aerialist spun around while doing impressive tricks. The audience applauded and cheered him on.

Afterwards, other aerialist acts took to the stage in similar fashion. There was a hula-hooping giant, acrobatic bears, aerialists Cinderella and her evil sisters, and plenty more. This reviewers favorite performance was Little Riding Hood and the Wolf. Mixed with modern comedy (“Grandma’s House doesn’t have WiFi!”), this two-person silk show felt deeply majestic. The girls twirled like angels. Using each other’s bodies as support, they pulled off depth-defying stunts. One could feel the chemistry in their choreography.

Overall, Flights of Faery Fancy felt like a firework show, each act better than the last. This culminated to a grand finale that left the audience awestruck. If you’re looking for inspirational beauty, then Flights of Faery Fancy is the show for you.