KC’s Magic Showcase – Review by Barbara Dooley

A perennial Fringe favorite, KC’s Magic Showcase is a family-friendly show which entertains all ages. The magicians are members of the Society of American Magicians and they are in all senses pros.

Each performance features different magicians, so each show is different. This show was emceed by Cosmo and included a master of rope tricks, a mind reader, a magician of sleight of hand, and a wizard of number magic.

The magicians are used to working with lively audiences and children and this performance was no exception. They recruited helpers from the audience; it was especially entertaining to watch the children react to the tricks.

The Society meets once a month at Westport Coffeehouse and performs for the public after the meeting. This would be a great opportunity for a young person interested in magic to learn more about this wonderful tradition among a supportive and accomplished community.