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What would happen if villains of the Bible had their own YouTube Channels? Would Noah give subscribers tips on nautical housekeeping while hawking Two-by-Two branded “poo pourri” or would Salome show videos of people reacting to the head of John the Baptist on a platter? BeeJay Aubertin-Clinton invites audiences to imagine if Judas had his own YouTube channel and told his side of Jesus’ betrayal in his one-person performance of his Fringe show, JUDAS.
This version of Judas’ testament lives up to its claim of being “definitely NOT your mother’s Bible story!” There is intimacy, love, humor, disciple rivalry, and pop culture references mixed with sexy sassiness. At times the story diverges, but it comes back to the main focus of the show.
Being a YouTube channel, there is a commercial interruption partway through. (This reviewer is curious how many coins of silver Judas got paid for the promotion.) To add variety to his monologue, BeeJay adds video effects and dramatic reenactments. Judas also answers questions from his Twitter followers.
The tenderness at the end might sneak up on some viewers. Audiences will see this famous Bible story from a fresh perspective. Some might leave the show touched by the depth that one goes for love.