The Fountain City Smoketacular

By The Bird Comedy Theater

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F2466 - The Fountain City Smoketacular

Company Name: The Bird Comedy Theater

City/State: Kansas City, MO

Genre: Comedy

Ratings: Mature Audiences Only

Warnings: Adult Language

Venue: Stray Cat Film Center

Show Times:

9:00 PM Friday, July 12th
10:30 PM Saturday, July 13th


It's been 3 years, but Warner Family BBQ is back in a big way for the 40th Annual Fountain City Smoketacular! Go behind the scenes in this in-depth documentary following the creation & execution of a major BBQ festival.

Past Fringe Shows:

The Bird Comedy Show, Show, 2023
The Fountain City Smoketacular , Show, 2023
5 Plays,Show, 2019
Kindling, Film, 2018
A Dinner Party Film, Best of Venue 2017
The Best of Fountain City Sketch,Best of Venue 2017

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  1. Beth Marshall on July 19, 2024 at 3:42 pm

    So funny. Great Mockumentary.

  2. Nicole H on July 22, 2024 at 9:45 am

    There was some good stuff here – funny & awkward characters, setups, lines. I know Fringe scheduling is incredibly difficult, but that 10:30pm screening was rough; these films (especially the sketches and comedies) could use bigger – and more awake – audiences. Still glad I saw this, though!

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Kansas City, MO 64141-5001