Gulag Girls - Shea Ketchum with Rising Tide Productions

Reviewed By Taylor Hudson

“Gulag Girls” is a powerhouse of a new play that shines light on a horrific historical event that is too often overlooked. A group of women find themselves locked in a Gulag labor camp during the Soviet reign in Russia, taken as political prisoners for their perceived threats to the party under the rule of Stalin. These women do their best to make life in the Gulag hospitable but continually face danger from their oppressors. Erika Lynette Baker directs the stellar ensemble, perfectly utilizing the small stage at the Arts Asylum.

The ensemble of imprisoned women is top-notch. Katelyn Baron is a quick standout as the strong-willed Eugenia, determined to protect her husband. Megan Reynolds is particularly vile as the Matron in charge, and Chris Arnone shows an impressive range portraying the various men in the story. A particularly moving scene between Dri Hernaez and Casey Jane is a testament to the tremendous talent exhibited by everyone involved.

Impeccable costuming and tight scene transitions give this Fringe offering a professional polish that shines. “Gulag Girls” is playing at The Arts Asylum throughout the festival and is a remarkable new play by Shea Ketchum that is not to be missed!

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