The Wonder Drug - The Rufflings

Reviewed By Taylor Hudson

When Bruce confronts a stranger in the park about an experimental drug that they both have been ordered to take, an unlikely kinship is born. Gerald (the stranger) has more experience with the treatment and reluctantly agrees to help Bruce as he adjusts to life on the new wonder drug. Their secret meetings are underscored with paranoia and laced with funny anecdotes and dramatic secrets.

The concept of “The Wonder Drug” is plenty interesting enough to get me in the door but it’s really the skillfully written relationship that makes this play special. The minimal technical elements let the words and actors shine. Too many scene breaks threaten to slow the action down, but strong and varied performances from Connor Eastman and Todd Schwartz kept me glued to my seat.

“The Wonder Drug” is an entertaining watch and a very promising new play by Dan Born. It is showing at the Independence Boulevard Christian Church throughout the festival – go check it out and form your own opinion!

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