Deceit – Review by Greg Cantrell

Do you know that feeling you get when you start a new book, very first page immediately grabs your insides, you just know you are hooked and can’t wait to finish the book, but also that you are going to enjoy the wonderful ride? That’s how I felt watching ‘Deceit’, a truly enthralling play written and directed by Derek Trautwein.
In addition to the expert writing, the acting was equally superb. Scott Cox delivers a “boffo”  performance as Russ, a best-selling author that is being pressured by those close to him to deliver his next big bestseller. The supporting cast members Jennifer Loumiet as Clare (Russ’ fiancé ), Jeanie Blau as Jan (Russ’s agent), and Ryan Morehead as Hank (Russ’s best friend/former roommate and “co-conspirator”) are well-cast and bring a sincerity and “believability” to their strong supporting performances. The dialogue is crisp and so real I felt like a voyeur in their drama as it was playing out directly in front of me.
The story skillfully builds in suspense and delivers a knock-out ending. ‘Deceit’ kept this audience member completely engrossed as I wanted to know Russ and Hank’s secret that the two best friends had been trying to move on from. Russ has incorporated this traumatic event into a completed manuscript, that those close to him know nothing about. Without divulging any more details in order not to spoil it for others, just trust me on this – go see ‘Deceit’.  I may go again just to immerse myself in a story and performance that is sublime.