Here’s Why Beatboxing Will Change Your Life

Audiences will enjoy taking Luke “SKIPPY” Harbur’s beatboxing class. He starts with a 20-minute history of the origin and evolution of beatboxing before doing a 15-minute interactive workshop. SKIPPY ends with a 10 minute set of 3 of his original songs.

SKIPPY was an enthusiastic teacher that would make even the reluctant learner more interested in beatboxing. You can’t help but smile during SKIPPY’s class. The interactive workshop was particularly effective. Spit may fly out of your mouth, your pets might laugh behind your back, but you’ll have a good time. You will also learn three sounds (bass drum, K snare, and cymbal) and string them together in short patterns.


The original songs that SKIPPY performed at the end were a mixture of hip hop and beatboxing. The last song was impressive and showcased his range.  Audiences will wonder how a human mouth could make those sounds.


Starting off the video with a 20-minute uninterrupted history lesson might lose some Fringe viewers. A better approach might be to begin the show with SKIPPY beatboxing which would instantly engage viewers. The interactive class could then have bits of history, fun beatboxing facts, and performances sprinkled throughout. This would also allow time for additional hands-on (mouth-on?) training. Overall this reviewer wanted more SKIPPY, more beatboxing, and less history!