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2024 Fringe Festival
KC Fringe 2024 ‘Best of ‘ venue shows Sunday July 28th!
1:30pm Best Of Arts The Arts Asylum-GULAG Girls 1:30pm Best of Whim Space-Breakneck Twelfth Night2:00pm Best of KC Oasis-It’s Not Over Until the Legends Sing3:00pm Best of Independence Christian Church-The Compleat History of Women, Abridged3:00pm –Sound Mandala (Best of UMKC )3:30pm Best of Center For Spiritual Living-Thy Hard: AShakespearean Reimagination of Die Hard4:30pm Sound Mandala (Best of UMKC )5:00pm Best of City Stage at Union Station –Terrace Wyatt Jr.s’ Black Man MissouriCircus Scorpius’ pivot won best of venue. The troop decided people really need another opportunity to See Terrace Wyatt Jr.’s Black Man Missouri Thank you Circus Scorpius! Feel free to make a donation to them here: DONATE TO CIRCUS SCORPIUS5:00pm Best of The Black Box-Seance Sisters6:30pm Best of The Bird Comedy Theater-The Greatest Garage Sale Ever!

Show by Date
** Sound Mandala has a showing all times other shows are taking place. Don’t forget to add them to your schedule!
July 19, 2024Time | Show Title | Venue |
6:00 PM | A One Woman Titanic Parody in 59 Minutes or Less | The Bird Comedy Theater |
6:00 PM | A History Tour Hijacked | The Black Box |
6:00 PM | Dream State | City Stage |
6:00 PM | The Stories We Tell | Center For Spiritual Living |
6:00 PM | The Wonder Drug | Independence Blvd CC |
6:00 PM | The Genuine Woman | Oasis |
6:00 PM | Breakneck Twelfth Night | Whim Space |
7:30 PM | The Adventures of Radioactivity Man & One Eyed Electrical Socket | The Arts Asylum |
7:30 PM | Down My Rabbit Hole | The Bird Comedy Theater |
7:30 PM | David Copperfield | The Black Box |
7:30 PM | Pivot | City Stage |
7:30 PM | my song | Center For Spiritual Living |
7:30 PM | Bi Spy | Independence Blvd CC |
7:30 PM | Sex and Death: The Folktale Edition | Oasis |
7:30 PM | That’s So Magically Meta | Whim Space |
9:00 PM | Longfellow’s Guardian Angel | The Arts Asylum |
9:00 PM | 2124 | The Bird Comedy Theater |
9:00 PM | The Spooky Sh*t Show 2 | The Black Box |
9:00 PM | The Dragon Dilemma: To Soothe, To Train, To Slay | City Stage |
9:00 PM | Beth & Mark’s BIG BANG! | Center For Spiritual Living |
9:00 PM | Lets Get Weird: Story Hour!! | Independence Blvd Christian Church |
9:00 PM | Choral Odes | Oasis |
9:00 PM | Be my Guest | Whim Space |
10:30 PM | THAT WOMAN – THE MONOLOGUE SHOW | The Arts Asylum |
10:30 PM | Sketches from the 4th Dimension: 4 Sketches Performed Four Times! | The Bird Comedy Theater |
10:30 PM | Maquinitas | The Black Box |
10:30 PM | Terrace Wyatt, Jr.’s: Black Man, Missouri | City Stage |
10:30 PM | 2 Mimes in a Pod 2 | Center For Spiritual Living |
10:30 PM | Unmeasured | Independence Blvd CC |
10:30 PM | TransMasculine Cabaret, Starring Vulva Va-Voom | Whim Space |
Time | Show Title | Venue |
6:00 PM | Honey Bunny | The Arts Asylum |
6:00 PM | 2124 | The Bird Comedy Theater |
6:00 PM | Born Greg | The Black Box |
6:00 PM | Fringeprov | City Stage |
6:00 PM | Thy Hard: A Shakespearean Reimagination of Die Hard | Center For Spiritual Living |
6:00 PM | Bi Spy | Independence Blvd CC |
6:00 PM | Sex and Death: The Folktale Edition | KC Oasis |
6:00 PM | Playback Theatre | Whim Space |
7:30 PM | THAT WOMAN – THE MONOLOGUE SHOW | The Arts Asylum |
7:30 PM | A One Woman Titanic Parody in 59 Minutes or Less | The Bird Comedy Theater |
7:30 PM | A History Tour Hijacked | The Black Box |
7:30 PM | Terrace Wyatt, Jr.’s: Black Man, Missouri | City Stage |
7:30 PM | The Stories We Tell | Center For Spiritual Living |
7:30 PM | Unmeasured | Independence Blvd CC |
7:30 PM | Ida’s Journey in America | KC Oasis |
7:30 PM | The Son Of A Man | Whim Space |
9:00 PM | The Greatest Garage Sale Ever | The Bird Comedy Theater |
9:00 PM | The Spooky Sh*t Show 2 | The Black Box |
9:00 PM | The Son Of A Man | Whim Space |
Time | Show Title | Venue |
6:00 PM | THAT WOMAN – THE MONOLOGUE SHOW | The Arts Asylum |
6:00 PM | Oh Look It’s Magic! A Sensory Friendly Magic Show | The Bird Comedy Theater |
6:00 PM | A History Tour Hijacked | The Black Box |
6:00 PM | Pivot | City Stage |
6:00 PM | The Stories We Tell | Center For Spiritual Living |
6:00 PM | The Compleat History of Women, abridged | Independence Blvd CC |
6:00 PM | It’s Not Over Until The Legends Sing | KC Oasis |
6:00 PM | Be my Guest | Whim Space |
7:30 PM | Honey Bunny | The Arts Asylum |
7:30 PM | Sketches from the Fourth Dimension: Four Sketches Performed Four Times! | The Bird Comedy Theater |
7:30 PM | Born Greg | The Black Box |
7:30 PM | Dream State | City Stage |
7:30 PM | Beth & Mark’s BIG BANG! | Center For Spiritual Living |
7:30 PM | This Podcast Is… Uncalled For | Independence Blvd CC |
7:30 PM | A Shattered Mind | KC Oasis |
7:30 PM | Playback Theatre | Whim Space |
9:00 PM | GULAG GIRLS | The Arts Asylum |
9:00 PM | Saudade Onions: Live Reading of a Stranger’s Diary | The Bird Comedy Theater |
9:00 PM | Seance Sisters | The Black Box |
9:00 PM | The Cardboard Knight | City Stage |
9:00 PM | my song | Center For Spiritual Living |
9:00 PM | Stroke of Genius: Pantomime Masturbation Throughout Performing Arts History | Whim Space |
Time | Show Title | Venue |
6:00 PM | Romantic Fools | The Arts Asylum |
6:00 PM | The Greatest Garage Sale Ever | The Bird Comedy Theater |
6:00 PM | David Copperfield | The Black Box |
6:00 PM | The Dragon Dilemma: To Soothe, To Train, To Slay | City Stage |
6:00 PM | 2 Mimes in a Pod 2 | Center For Spiritual Living |
6:00 PM | This Podcast Is… Uncalled For | Independence Blvd CC |
6:00 PM | Ida’s Journey in America | KC Oasis |
6:00 PM | Playback Theatre | Whim Space |
7:30 PM | The Adventures of Radioactivity Man & One Eyed Electrical Socket | The Arts Asylum |
7:30 PM | Down My Rabbit Hole | The Bird Comedy Theater |
7:30 PM | Maquinitas | The Black Box |
7:30 PM | The Cardboard Knight | City Stage |
7:30 PM | my song | Center For Spiritual Living |
7:30 PM | Lets Get Weird: Story Hour!! | Independence Blvd CC |
7:30 PM | It’s Not Over Until The Legends Sing | KC Oasis |
7:30 PM | That’s So Magically Meta | Whim Space |
9:00 PM | Longfellow’s Guardian Angel | The Arts Asylum |
9:00 PM | 2124 | The Bird Comedy Theater |
9:00 PM | Born Greg | The Black Box |
9:00 PM | Fringeprov | City Stage |
9:00 PM | The Stories We Tell | Center For Spiritual Living |
9:00 PM | The Wonder Drug | Independence Blvd CC |
9:00 PM | The Genuine Woman | KC Oasis |
9:00 PM | Be my Guest | Whim Space |
Time | Show Title | Venue |
1:30 PM | The Greatest Garage Sale Ever | The Bird Comedy Theater |
3:00 PM | Honey Bunny | The Arts Asylum |
3:00 PM | Oh Look It’s Magic! A Sensory Friendly Magic Show | The Bird Comedy Theater |
3:00 PM | A History Tour Hijacked | The Black Box |
3:00 PM | my song | Center For Spiritual Living |
3:00 PM | The Compleat History of Women, abridged | Independence Blvd CC |
3:00 PM | Playback Theatre | Whim Space |
4:30 PM | The Adventures of Radioactivity Man & One Eyed Electrical Socket | The Arts Asylum |
4:30 PM | Saudade Onions: Live Reading of a Stranger’s Diary | The Bird Comedy Theater |
4:30 PM | Seance Sisters | The Black Box |
4:30 PM | Dream State | City Stage |
4:30 PM | The Stories We Tell | Center For Spiritual Living |
4:30 PM | Unmeasured | Independence Blvd CC |
4:30 PM | The Genuine Woman | KC Oasis |
4:30 PM | That’s So Magically Meta | Whim Space |
6:00 PM | Longfellow’s Guardian Angel | The Arts Asylum |
6:00 PM | Sketches from the Fourth Dimension: Four Sketches Performed Four Times! | The Bird Comedy Theater |
6:00 PM | Maquinitas | The Black Box |
6:00 PM | Pivot | City Stage |
6:00 PM | Thy Hard: A Shakespearean Reimagination of Die Hard | Center For Spiritual Living |
6:00 PM | This Podcast Is… Uncalled For | Independence Blvd CC |
6:00 PM | Choral Odes | KC Oasis |
6:00 PM | TransMasculine Cabaret, Starring Vulva Va-Voom | Whim Space |
7:30 PM | GULAG GIRLS | The Arts Asylum |
7:30 PM | A One Woman Titanic Parody in 59 Minutes or Less | The Bird Comedy Theater |
7:30 PM | The Dragon Dilemma: To Soothe, To Train, To Slay | City Stage |
7:30 PM | Beth & Mark’s BIG BANG! | Center For Spiritual Living |
7:30 PM | The Wonder Drug | Independence Blvd CC |
7:30 PM | A Shattered Mind | KC Oasis |
7:30 PM | Be my Guest | Whim Space |
9:00 PM | Romantic Fools | The Arts Asylum |
9:00 PM | Down My Rabbit Hole | The Bird Comedy Theater |
9:00 PM | Born Greg | The Black Box |
9:00 PM | The Cardboard Knight | City Stage |
9:00 PM | 2 Mimes in a Pod 2 | Center For Spiritual Living |
9:00 PM | Bi Spy | Independence Blvd CC |
9:00 PM | Ida’s Journey in America | KC Oasis |
9:00 PM | Breakneck Twelfth Night | Whim Space |
10:30 PM | Honey Bunny | The Arts Asylum |
10:30 PM | 2124 | The Bird Comedy Theater |
10:30 PM | David Copperfield | The Black Box |
10:30 PM | It’s Not Over Until The Legends Sing | KC Oasis |
10:30 PM | Stroke of Genius: Pantomime Masturbation Throughout Performing Arts History | Whim Space |
10:30 PM | Lets Get Weird: Story Hour!! | Independence Blvd Christian Church |